PhD Przemysław KUSIK, PhD
Chair for Translator Education
ul. Karmelicka 41 31-128 Kraków
room: 307
- research-and-teaching assistant
- PhD in Linguistics, 2024
University of Warsaw
Tytuł pracy: „Zastosowanie metod prawnoporównawczych w procesie tłumaczenia na przykładzie polsko-angielskiego przekładu terminologii z zakresu prawa rzeczowego” [„The Application of Comparative Law Methods in the Translation Process as Exemplified by the Polish-English Translation of Property Law Terminology”]
Supervisor: dr hab. Joanna Osiejewicz, prof. UW
Reviewers: dr hab. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, prof. UŚ, dr hab. Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski, prof. UŁ, dr hab. Artur Kubacki, prof. UKEN
- Master’s degree in Law, 2017
University of Silesia
Tytuł pracy: „Organy jednostek samorządu terytorialnego jako organy administracji publicznej w rozumieniu kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego” [„The Authorities of Local Government Units as Public Administration Authorities Within the Meaning of the Code of Administrative Proceedings”]
Supervisor: dr hab. Joanna Jagoda, prof. UŚ
- Master’s degree in English Studies, 2016
University of Silesia
Tytuł pracy: „Problems of Polish-English Legal Translation on the Basis of Selected Statutes”
Supervisor: dr Grzegorz Drożdż
- Bachelor’s degree in English Studies, 2014
Silesian University of Technology
„Teaching English as an International Language. Raising Learners’ Awareness of Variety in its Use Around the World”
Supervisor: dr Melanie Ellis
Main field of research:
- Linguistics
Institute Department:
- Chair for Translator Education
Research Interests:
- Legal translation studies,
- Comparative law,
- Legal theory,
- Administrative law,
- Law as depicted in the media,
- Specialised translation,
- Translation projects,
- Listening and discussion
Main Publications:
- „Teoria przeszczepów prawnych jako paradygmat prawa porównawczego. Próba podsumowania w 50. rocznicę ukazania się monografii pt. «Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law» Alana Watsona”, Forum Prawnicze, 2024, nr 3, s. 42–65.
- „Comparative Law in the Eyes of Translation Scholars. Is Legal Translation Really an Exercise of Comparative Law?”, HERMES – Journal of Language and Communication in Business, 2024, nr 64, s. 111–124.
- „Legal Interpretation in Legal Translation? Contrasting Scholarly Views on the Interpretation of Source Legal Texts by Translators”, SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation, 2024, t. 17, nr 1, s. 68–87.
- „International Media Coverage of Domestic Legal News: The Case of the Dispute over the Presidential Pardon Power in Poland”, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 2024, t. 37, s. 2433–2463.
- „Legal Transplants and Legal Translation: A Case Study of the Borrowing of the U.S. Limited Liability Partnership into the Polish Legal System”, Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 2024, s. 1–16.
For the complete list of publications see